Iduma Bird Sale
Consignors are required to abide by all state and/or federal regulations, licensing, and/or permitting that may apply.
USDA Typhoid and Polorium test papers are required. Please bring extra copies for our files. This free testing and papers can be obtained by calling: TVMDL Inspector Dusty Bullion at 903-327-6947. For more information click this link: texas-pullorum-typhoid-program
Sale and auction prices will be times the number of birds/animals in each lot unless otherwise stated.
Small animals and birds are required to have a solid bottom cage with food and water containers.
Cages must remain with items sold.
No closed containers will be accepted.
No laundry baskets for cages will be accepted.
No buying and selling on premises unless commission is paid. All items are required to be consigned before selling.
We request that you register and obtain a number before bidding or buying.
Sellers are required to be registered by the TAHC. For information, you can contact:
JR Rieger
Area 7 Inspector
Texas Animal Health Commission
512-993-8803 email:

Commissions will be 18%
PO charge is $2/cage.
There is a 2.5% CHARGE on all Credit/Debit Card Transactions!

Check In Times For Sellers
Friday & Saturday: 8:30 AM to 3 PM
Sunday: 7 AM- 10 AM
Staff Lunch Break: 12 PM - 12:30 PM